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Canon Story
Side Arc VII: Pikri Alitheia
Pikri Alitheia
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Artist Writer
Cecil DeWalt Cecil DeWalt
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Side Arc VI: How Did You Die Side Arc VIII: In Time

Bashful is exploring a rocky area of the Plains of Hell when he overhears a conversation coming from below. Inside a cave, Bob and Lisa are discussing recent events and how Jack is always butting into their plans. Bashful accidentally falls down into the crevice, and Bob and Lisa like this turn of events.

Looking to get even with Bashful after he unleashed his starfish on them, they threaten to eat him and he screams out in panic. Vinci, who is nearby, comes running to Bashful's defense. He attacks, but is subdued. Jack arrives seperatey to help Bashful, and Bob and Lisa threaten to hurt him if Jack steps any closer. Jack does anyway, and Bob rips Bashful's nose and ear piecings out. It's then revealed that Vinci has been mutiilated and killed.

Lisa continues to hurt Bash by flying him upward and dropping him to the ground why Bob faces Jack, biting him viciously. Jack flings his scythe at Lisa, forcing her to drop Bash again, but this time he's saved by Arty who catches him in mid-air while Central stabs Lisa's brain, killing her. Jack then turns the tables on Bob, biting him back while Arty throws his scythe back. Jack uses it to stab Bob's brain, disabling him as well.

Central tells Jack she and Arty had been heading toward the Styx when they heard the commotion, and Arty is devestated to see Vinci's condition, giving him a passionate kiss to revive him. Vinci is restored while Central comforts Bashful, Arty telling him he wants him out of Hell.

Later on, at Vinci's new bakery, Vinci is seeing to Bashful, who's clearly still disturbed from the matter. Vinci offers to do some of Bashful's favorite activity, but his companion just silently cries in the cave. When Vinci reluctantly starts to leave, Bashful tells him that when he previously said he had killed himself to avoid having a boring life, he lied. He admitted that while it was true he drove the truck off a cliff, he left out that his fiance was in the vehicle with him at the time, killing her as well. He speculates that she went to Heaven, and that his eyes were open because he knew how he died.

However, Bashful says he now realizes after his latest incident this his habit of looking for trouble forces other people to deal with the consequences of his actions, too. Feeling guilty, he thinks he's a bad person. Vinci tries to convince him that he can undo the harm he's done, and that he's still more a good person then bad. Still crying, Bashful admits he wishes Vinci had been his father instead, reasoning that he might now have ended up in Hell if Vinci had been.

Fully recovered and wandering around Hell, Vinci is confronted by Jack and Arty, who demand to know why he's still in Hell. He tries to say he's staying for Bashful, but Arty dismisses this excuse, saying his eyes are open and he'll be fine. Furious, Arty threatens to chop off his own wings to stay in Hell, but Vinci seizes his sword to stop him, not wanting his partner to give up Heaven. He explains that Arty sacrificed his life being in and out of hospitals to accompany Vinci, and Vinci doesn't want him to sacrifice his afterlife as well. Arty reluctantly agrees to return to Heaven, but he tells Arty that Heaven is missing an angel.

Jack on the other hand is not willing to let Vinci off, and demands to know the real reason he stays in Hell. Unleashing his Wrath powers, he loses his temper, hurting Vinci. When Vinci points this out, Jack lets him go. He asks what his Heaven will be like and Vinci, admits his would be whatever Arty likes. He then tells Jack he's scared to try life again. He'll have to live his whole life without Arty, and is afraid he'll just end up in Hell again. He again says he has to stay for Bash, and Jack dismisses this as a self-fullfilling prophecy and leaves.

Bashful arrives, and tells Vinci's he's ready to leave Hell, but doesn't want to go alone. He wonders if they can become family members in the next life. Later, when preparing to be reborn, Arty brings an old boyfriend of Vinci's along, Jache. It's clear their relationship ended badly, but Jache comforts Vinci, saying they weren't the right people to help each other. He admits he tried life again and ended up straight in the next one, but still cares for him wishes him well. Vinci and Bashful then go through the portal to be reborn.

The story time skips forward to Earth with a young bunny girl named Luchessa, who's coloration bares a noticable resemblance to Bashful's, telling how her uncle Vinci has just passed away. Vinci, in the afterlife, awakens to see Jack and Arty. He assumes at first he's heading back to Hell, but Arty tearfully says he's taking Vinci home.




  • Title means "bitter truth" in Greek